Instalatii de gaze si incalzire pentru apartamente de bloc:
Una din cele mai importante investitii pe termen mediu, in scurt timp investitia se amortizeaza
si beneficiezi de un confort sport.
Instalatii gaze pentru case, vile, cabane:
Daca pentru un apartament instalatia de gaze si incalzire se poate considera un plus de confort
si nu o necesitate, pentru case devine o necesitate. Indiferent daca doriti renominalizarea
consumatorilor de gaze sau o instalatie noua apelati cu incredere la specialistii nostri.
PTA1 - Anexa A |
la prescriptia tehnica
STAS 66-78 Gaz petrolier lichefiat
STAS 297/1-88 Culori si indicatoare de securitate. Conditii tehnice
STAS 297/2-92 Culori si indicatoare de securitate. Reprezentari
STAS 471-85 Fitinguri de fonta maleabila. Nomenclator
STAS 838-82 Fitinguri de fonta maleabila. Conditii tehnice generale de
STAS 996-91 Regulatoare de presiune cu actionare directa pentru gaze.
Conditii tehnice generale de calitate
STAS 3417-85 Cosuri si canale de fum pentru instalatii de încalzire
centrala. Prescriptii de calcul termotehnic
STAS 7134-82 Regulatoare de presiune cu actionare indirecta pentru
gaze. Conditii tehnice generale de calitate
STAS 8130-88 Filete pentru tevi fara etansare în filet. Dimensiuni si
STAS 9194-72 Arzatoare monobloc. Arzatoare de gaze naturale. Conditii
tehnice generale de calitate
STAS 9270-85 Arzatoare de gaze naturale pentru cazane. Conditii tehnice
de calitate
STAS 10835/1-81 Filete cilindrice pentru tevi. Calibre si contracalibre
fixe pentru filete de tevi cu si fara etansare în filet.
Tolerante de fabricatie si uzura
SR ISO 7-1:2000 Filete pentru tevi cu etansare în filet. Partea 1:
Dimensiuni, tolerante si notare
SR ISO 8216-0:1996 Produse petroliere. Combustibili (Clasa F). Clasificare.
Partea 0: Clasificare generala
SR ISO 8216-3:1996 Produse petroliere. Combustibili (Clasa F). Clasificare.
Partea 3: Familia L (Gaze petroliere lichefiate)
SR EN 26:2000 Aparate de producere instantanee a apei calde menajere,
echipate cu arzatoare atmosferice utilizând combustibil
SR EN 30-1-1+A1:2001 Aparate de gatit casnice care utilizeaza combustibili
gazosi. Partea 1-1: Securitate. Generalitati
SR EN 88+A1:1998 Regulatoare de presiune pentru aparate care utilizeaza
combustibili gazosi pentru presiuni în amonte mai mici
sau egale cu 200 mbar
SR EN 125+A1:1998 Dispozitive de supraveghere a flacarii pentru aparate care
utilizeaza combustibili gazosi. Dispozitive termoelectrice
de securitate la aprindere si la stingere
SR EN 126:2000 Robinete multifunctionale pentru aparate care utilizeaza
combustibili gazosi
SR EN 161+A1:1998 Robinete de închidere automate pentru arzatoare cu gaz si
aparate cu gaz
SR EN 297+A2:2001 Cazane de încalzire centrala care utilizeaza combustibili
gazosi. Cazane de tip B11 si B(11BS) echipate cu arzatoare
atmosferice cu debit caloric nominal mai mic sau egal cu
70 kW
SR EN 377+A1:1997 Lubrifianti destinati aparatelor si echipamentului
asociat, utilizând combustibili gazosi, cu exceptia
aparatelor anume destinate utilizarii industriale
SR EN 437:1997 Gaze de încercare. Presiuni de încercare. Categorii de
SR EN 549:1999 Materiale pe baza de cauciuc pentru garnituri si membrane,
destinate aparatelor cu gaz si instalatiilor pentru gaz
SR EN 625:2001 Cazane de încalzire centrala care utilizeaza combustibili
gazosi. Conditii specifice functiei de apa calda menajera
a cazanelor cu doua servicii, cu debit caloric nominal mai
mic sau egal cu 70 kW
SR EN 777-4:2001 Tuburi radiante suspendate, cu arzatoare multiple,
functionând cu combustibili gazosi, pentru alte utilizari
decât cele casnice. Partea 4: Sistem H, siguranta
SR EN 778:2001 Aparate de încalzire a spatiilor cu aer cald pentru uz
casnic, care functioneaza cu combustibili gazosi, cu
convectie fortata pentru o putere termica mai mica de 70
kW, fara transportul aerului de ardere si/sau al
produselor de ardere au ventilator
SR EN 60529:1995 Grade de protectie asigurate prin carcase (Cod IP)
EN 30-2-1:1998 Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 2-1:
Rational use of energy - General
EN 30-1-2:1999 Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 1-2:
Safety - Appliances having force-convection ovens and/or
EN 30-2-2:1999 Domestic cooking appliances burning gas - Part 2-2:
Rational use energy - Appliances having forced-convection
ovens and/or grills
EN 88:1991 Pressure governors for gas appliances for inlet pressures
up to 200 mbar
EN 89:1999 Gas-fired storage water heaters for the production of
domestic hot water
EN 89:1999/A1:1999 Gas-fired storage water heaters for the production of
domestic hot water
EN 89:1999/A2:2000 Gas-fired storage water heaters for the production of
domestic hot water
EN 161/A2:1997 Automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas burning
EN 161:2001 Automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas burning
EN 203-1:1992 Gas-heated catering equipment - Part 1: Safety
EN 203-1/A1:1995 Gas-heated catering equipment - Part 1: Safety
EN 203-1/A2:1999 Gas-heated catering equipment - Part 1: Safety
EN 203-2:1995 Gas-heated catering equipment - Part 2: Rational use of
EN 257:1992 Mechanical thermostats for gas burning appliances
EN 257:1992/A1:1996 Mechanical thermostats for gas burning appliances
EN 291:1992 Rubber seals - Static seals in domestic appliances for
combustible gas up to 200 mbar - Specification for
EN 298:1993 Automatic gas burner control systems for gas burners and
gas burning appliances with or without fans
EN 303-3:1998 Heating boilers - Part 3: Gas - fired central heating
boilers - Assembly comprising a boiler body and a forced
draught burner
EN 416-1/A2:2001 Single burner gas-fired overhead radiant-tube heaters -
Part 1: Safety
EN 416-1:1999 Single burner gas-fired overhead radiant-tube heaters -
Part 1: Safety
EN 416-1:1999/A1:2000 Single burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heaters for
non-domestic use - Part 1: Safety
EN 419-1/A2:2001 Non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters -
Part 1: Safety
EN 419-1:1999 Non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters -
Part 1: Safety
EN 419-1:1999/A1:2000 Non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant
heaters - Part 1: Safety
EN 437:1993/A2:1999 Test gases - Test pressures - Appliance categories
EN 449:1996 Specification of dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances, domestic flueless space heaters (including
diffusive catalytic combustion heaters)
EN 461:1999 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances - Flueless non-domestic space heaters not
exceeding 10 kW
EN 483/A2:2001 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Type C boilers of
nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW
EN 483:1999 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Type C boilers of
nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW
EN 484:1997 Specification of dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances - Independent hotplates, including those
incorporating a grill for outdoor use
EN 497:1997 Specification of dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances - Multi purpose boiling burners for outdoor
EN 498:1997 Specification of dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances - Barbeques for outdoor use
EN 509:1999 Decorative fuel-effect gas appliances
EN 521:1998 Specification of dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum
gas appliances
EN 525:1997 Non-domestic direct gas-fired forced convection air
heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input
of 300 kW
EN 613:2000 Independent gas-fired convection heaters
EN 621/A1:2001 Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for
space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 300 kW,
without a fan to assist transportation of combustion air
and/or combustion products
EN 621:1998 Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for
space heating not exceeding a net heat input 300 kW,
without a fan to assist transportation of combustion air
and/or combustion products
EN 624:2000 Specification for dedicated LPG appliances - Room sealed
LPG space heating equipment for installation in vehicles
and boats
EN 656:1999 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Type B boilers of
nominal heat input exceeding 70 kW but not exceeding
300 kW
EN 676:1996 Automatic forces draught burners for gaseous fuels
EN 677:1998 Gas-fired central heating boilers - Specific requirements
for condensing boilers with a nominal heat input not
exceeding 70 kW
EN 732:1998 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances - Absorption refrigerators
EN 751-1:1996 Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in contact
with 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases and hot water - Part 1:
Anaerobic jointing compounds
EN 751-2:1996 Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in contact
with 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases and hot water - Part 2:
Non-hardening jointing compounds
EN 751-3:1996 Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in contact
with 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases and hot water - Part 3:
Unsintered PTFE tapes
EN 777-1:1999 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 1: System D, safety
EN 777-1:1999/A1:2001 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 1: System D, safety
EN 777-1:1999/A2:2001 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 1: System D, safety
EN 777-2:1999 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 2: System E, safety
EN 777-2:1999/A1:2001 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 2: System E, safety
EN 777-2:1999/A2:2001 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 2: System E, safety
EN 777-3:1999 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use Part 3: System F, safety
EN 777-3:1999/A1:2001 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 3: System F, safety
EN 777-3:1999/A2:2001 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 3: System F, safety
EN 777-4:2001 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater
systems for non-domestic use - Part 4: System H, safety
EN 1020:1997/A1:2001 Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for
space heating non exceeding a net heat input 300 kW,
incorporating a fan to assist transportation of combustion
air and/or combustion products
EN 1020:1997 Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for
space heating non exceeding a net heat input 300 kW,
incorporating a fan to assist transportation of combustion
air and/or combustion products
EN 1106:2001 Manually operated taps for gas burning appliances
EN 1196:1998 Domestic and non-domestic gas-fired air heaters -
Supplementary requirements for condensing air heaters
EN 1319/A1:2001 Domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space
heating, with fan-assisted burners not exceeding a net
heat input of 70 kW
EN 1319:1998 Domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space
heating, with fan-assisted burners not exceeding a net
input of 70 kW
EN 1319:1998/A2:1999 Domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space
heating, with fan-assisted burners not exceeding a net
input of 70 kW
EN 1458-2:1999 Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B(22D)
and B(23D), of nominal heat input not exceeding 6 kW -
Part 2: Rational use of energy
EN 1458-1:1999 Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B(22D)
and B(23D), of nominal heat input not exceeding 6 kW -
Part 1: Safety
EN 1596:1998 Specification dor dedicated liquefied petroleum gas
appliances - Mobile and portable non-domestic forced
convection direct fired air heaters
EN 1643:2000 Valve proving systems for automatic shut-off valves for
gas burners and gas appliances
EN 1854/A1:1998 Pressure sensing devices for gas burners and gas burning
EN 1854:1997 Pressure sensing devices for gas burners and gas burning
EN 12067-1:1998 Gas/air ratio controls for gas burners and gas burning
appliances - Part 1: Pneumatic type
EN 12078:1998 Zero governors for gas burners and gas burning appliances
EN 12244-1:1998 Direct gas-fired washing machines, of nominal heat input
not exceeding 20 kW - Part 1: Safety
EN 12244-2:1998 Direct gas-fired washing machines, of nominal heat input
not exceeding 20 kW - Part 2: Rational use of energy
EN 12309-2:2000 Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning
and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not
exceeding 70 kW - Part 2: Rational use of energy
EN 12309-1:1999 Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning
and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not
exceeding 70 kW - Part 1: Safety
EN 12669:2000 Direct gas-fired hot air blowers for use in greenhouses
and supplementary non-domestic space heating
EN 12752-1:1999 Gas-fired type B tumble dryers of nominal heat input not
exceeding 20 kW - Part 1: Safety
EN 12752-2:1999 Gas-fired type B tumble dryers of nominal heat input not
exceeding 20 kW - Part 2: Rational use of energy
EN 13611:2000 Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning
Normativ I6-98 Normativ pentru proiectarea si executarea sistemelor de
alimentare cu gaze naturale
Normativ I6/1-98 Normativ pentru exploatarea sistemelor de alimentare cu
gaze naturale